Two Plus Two Equals Five

At first glance, the idea that two plus two equals five seems ridiculous. A banker who messes up this basic math would surely lose their job. But sometimes, the math isn’t just about numbers—it’s about people. This phrase, though it sounds funny, is a great way to explain the power of synergy: when different minds come together, they can achieve more than they ever could alone.

People are shaped by their experiences. Where we grow up, what we’ve been through, and who we’ve met all influence how we see the world. This is why we all come to different conclusions, even when looking at the same situation. These differences aren’t a bad thing. In fact, they’re what make us stronger.

When people with diverse perspectives work together, their combined strengths often lead to better results. A banker might not understand the struggles of a farmer, but when they work together, they might figure out how to build a sustainable business. A scientist and an artist might think in completely opposite ways, but when they collaborate, they could come up with something groundbreaking. This is what makes diversity so valuable—it pushes us to think beyond our own experiences and consider new ideas.

Of course, this isn’t always easy. It takes patience and humility to pause and ask, Why does this person see things differently? But the reward is worth it. When we truly listen to and learn from each other, we can build something far greater than what we could achieve on our own.

When people come together with open minds and a willingness to collaborate, this simple idea reminds us of the incredible potential that exists when we embrace each other’s differences and work toward common goals.

So, the next time you find yourself in a disagreement, think about that banker who couldn’t do simple math. Remember that it’s not about proving your point but about combining your perspective with someone else’s. You might just discover something amazing together.

As we enter the holiday season and look toward a new year, let’s embrace this idea of coming together. Whether it’s with family, friends, or colleagues, take a moment to celebrate the differences that make us unique and the connections that make us stronger. Here’s to a season filled with understanding, unity, and the magic of making five out of two plus two. Happy Holidays and a bright New Year!

With care,

Ed Manzi
Chairman and CEO
Fidelity Bank