How do pop-up scams work?

Fake pop-ups, like the “ransomware detected” pop-up, tell individuals that there is a security threat or technical problem with their computer. They instruct the individual to call a telephone number specified on the pop-up or click on the pop-up in order to pay for technical support to resolve this threat.
Fraudsters use these pop-up scams to make money. They prey on concerned individuals who want to ensure their computer is secure, extorting money from them to fix problems and resolve threats that do not exist.

How to identify fake pop-ups.

  • Look for spelling errors and unprofessional images. Poor spelling, grammar, and unprofessional images suggest that a pop-up is fake.
  • Verify the phone number provided. Most fake pop-ups give a phone number and instruct the individual to call to resolve the threat. Check the number they are providing you with. If they state they are Verizon, go to Verizon’s website to verify the contact information. If they say they are your Bank, go to the Bank’s website and verify the contact information.
  • Demanding the individual call. While your internet security provider may offer technical support, they will never demand that you call them. If a pop-up is demanding you call the number provided, it’s a scam.
  • They request personal and financial information. If the pop-up or the individual on the phone asks you to provide personal and financial information, it is a scam.

How to protect against pop-up scams.

  • Do not click on the pop-up.
  • Do not call the number on the pop-up.
  • Do not give out personal or financial details.

Examples of Fake Security Alerts

  • “ALERT FROM MICROSOFT: Your PC is infected with 8 viruses! Call toll-free 844-245-1245 immediately to prevent file deletion and identity theft.”
  • “Microsoft Firewall Alert: Hackers have accessed your computer! Call 888-867-1432 now to speak with a Windows security expert before all data is compromised.”
  • “URGENT WARNING FROM MICROSOFT – Your Windows license has expired allowing virus entry. Call 833-712-8658 before your PC is fully corrupted!”
  • “MICROSOFT COMPROMISED – Windows Defender has detected RANSOMWARE on your PC! Call tech support immediately 844-426-0392 before all files are encrypted!

What if I clicked on the pop-up or provided the fraudsters with my personal and/or financial information?

  • Close out of the browser and/or pop up immediately.
  • Change passwords to any accounts you were logged into on the device (online banking, email)
  • Contact your Bank and Credit Card companies if there is a chance your financial information was exposed.
  • Place a fraud alert with the major credit bureaus.
  • Report the scam to the FTC (Federal Trade Commission)
  • Have your computer looked over by a professional such as Geek Squad located at Best Buy.